Once we’ve set an appointment please let me know as soon as possible if you need to reschedule due to illness. Your caution and respect for my health is appreciated and your deposit will be honored as long as you keep me updated.

You are welcome to wear a mask or not throughout your visit. If you show up in mask, I’ll wear one for the duration of the visit too.


Sketches will not be shown in advance. When you arrive for your appointment, I’ll have a complete design and color/shading study based on what we have previously discussed. There is always room to make changes but it is very rare that someone who comes in knowing my style and having discussed the design up front doesn’t arrive having their expectations met or exceeded. Giving up some control and trusting your artist can be scary (I totally get it!) but please be assured that I put my best into everything I do and every decision is backed by my years of experience and truly wanting to make the best piece I can for the wearer.


Please note that your non-refundable deposit is a retainer for your specific appointment date and the agreed upon tattoo project. It is not transferable to any other date, project, or person. Except in the case of illness or emergency, if you are not able to keep your appointment you will forfeit your deposit. If you are unsure of your availability for any reason when scheduling initially, simply keep me informed from the beginning and I will likely be able to accommodate you. If a non-emergency issue does arise after we’ve scheduled, please let me know right away. I can’t guarantee that I will be able to accommodate it, but there are times that my schedule might allow it.

Rescheduling for an emergency/illness is ok. Please give me as much notice as possible (for instance, if you’re feeling ill a couple days before our appointment please let me know, but also if you wake up feeling ill for the first time that morning that’s an absolutely reasonable last-minute reschedule as long as you keep me informed). For an emergency reschedule, your deposit can be rolled over once within 6 months of the initial appointment date.


Payment for services is accepted via Cash or Zelle (Zelle facilitates direct payment between bank accounts and is built into most banking apps).

This policy allows me to save on processing fees and in return I donate a percentage of my income each month to support grassroots organizations including National Network of Abortion Funds, Rock and Roll Rescue, and more. Please feel free to suggest a grassroots organization to add to my list.


If you are comfortable with my studio polices and are ready to get in touch, please go to and follow the instructions that apply to the type of booking you are interested in. I’ll then provide my pricing info, offer appointment times, and collect a non-refundable deposit to secure your appointment.

Show Pigeon Tattoo is BY APPOINTMENT ONLY and located at 2140 W Chapman Ave in Orange CA. Once you have an appointment you may text (773) 808-8331 if you need to get a hold of me last-minute.